Gatvės meno recenzija / A street art review
Pamoką sukūrė - Daiva Vyšniauskienė
Ko menas gali išmokyti mane? / What can Art teach me?
Mokiniai susiras ir apžiūrės gatvės meno kūrinius pagal pasirinktą planą ir parašys recenziją. Prieš vizitą mokiniai išnagrinės esminius recenzijos elementus, susidarys teminį žodyną ir palygins recenzijas parašytas anglų ir lietuvių kalba. Ši patirtis padės mokiniams pajausti meną, pažinti miestą, išbandyti kritiko profesiją ir pritaikyti publicistinio žanro kalbą.(pridedu nuorodą).Students will visit various street artworks and write a review. Before the visit, they will analyze the conventions of the review genre, make a list of art topic vocabulary, compare Lithuanian and English reviews. This will develop students sense of art appreciation, get to know the city better, experience critics occupation, and use mass media language. (the link to the artworks map is attached).
Pamokos tikslas
To practice writing a review.Pamokos planas
I Preparing for the tripStudents will read a review and identify its audience and message. They will focus on the structure, content and language, start making a list of useful topic vocabulary. Students will read some reviews in groups and compare them.
Students will review some visual arts vocabulary, and add some useful topic vocabulary to their list.
They will also plan an itinerary to visit at least 8-9 artworks.
II Visiting artworks
Students work individually taking notes of some necessary information. Then they work in small groups discussing their ideas. They examine the artwork again to add some more information and notes.
III Writing practice
Students collect their notes and write a review following the conventions of the review genre and using active topic vocabulary.